Before you can make changes to text in a graph window, you have to know how to select a text object, display a text entry box, and select text in a text entry box.
• Click a text object to select it, or drag a marquee to completely enclose a text object.
• Shift-click to select multiple text objects or Shift-drag a marquee to completely enclose text objects you want to select. (Shift-dragging selects all enclosed objects. Currently-selected objects remain selected.)
• Click away from a selected text object to deselect it or drag a marquee to completely enclose a selected object.
• Click away from selected objects, Shift-click text objects one at a time, or Shift-drag a marquee to completely enclose multiple text objects.
Note: Text components in graph objects such as graph titles, axis titles, and legend labels are like text objects created with the Text tool (except they can’t be selected with a marquee).